Carlos C. Cerri (1946-2017)

The IUSS Secretariat was sad to learn that our distinguished colleague Carlos Clemente Cerri passed away on 22 April 2017 at the age of 71.

He graduated as agronomist in 1971. He took his master degree in 1974 and his PhD in 1979 in soil science. He was a full professor at the “Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura” (CENA) of the São Paulo University (USP, Brazil). After research on soil organic matter (composition, properties and dynamics), he performed research on soil carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions and mitigations in tropical conditions, especially in the Brazilian Amazon. He established a close scientific cooperation with many countries in the world including South America.

Dr. Cerri received several awards and honorary positions including being associated – with IPCC – to the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. He contributed to 260 scientific journal articles and authored more than 100 publications, 41 book chapters and 6 books.

Dr C. Cerri will be very much missed for a long time to come by his family and by all who knew him or were touched by his work and friendship.